Shirley will be attending Marymount next year on full academic scholarship. She is looking forward to studying new languages in high school, French or Latin, and possibly study astronomy in college.
She loves ELA and Science, and has participated in many clubs at GSS: DEA Dance, Softball Club, Basketball Club, Theater Program, Student Council, Harry Potter Club, Choir, and has been an altar server. Shirley has earned the highest honors and made her way onto the Principal’s List multiple times.
Her favorite memory of GSS was when she performed in Seussical, Jr. in 7th grade. “I would like to say thank you to my teachers for teaching me, and contributing to my love of learning. Additionally, I would like to say thank you to all the people who aren't recognized enough, like Mr. Robert or the lunch ladies; the school wouldn't function correctly without them. Lastly, I would like to thank Mrs. Lavery, Mrs. Walsh, and Mrs. Kennedy for helping me with choosing a high school.”
Her time at GSS has taught her that “I can always go to God for help, and that He will always guide me on the right path.”