October, 2021
Dear Parents,
October marks a beautiful month that the Church dedicates to Mary and the Guardian Angels. Morning Assembly for k-8 will focus on the Rosary, the devotions/ prayers to Mary, and her importance in our lives. We will recite a decade of the Rosary every Friday at 8am during October. Everyone is welcome to attend, and we encourage students to bring their Rosary beads.
Thank you for your attendance at our Back-to-School ZOOMS in September. It is always difficult to fit these days into busy calendars, so I appreciate your time and support. Back to School Night allows us to present our programs for the year and is an opportunity for our classroom teachers to discuss their religious and educational programs, activities, expectations, and security protocol for the year. Please be respectful of our children's safety. I would remind drivers not to come through the barricades as doing so threatens our children's safety.
I am pleased to announce new members / and teacher reassignments to our school community:
GSS requires formal uniform for students k-8 except for gym days. Please refer to the section in the online Parent-Student Handbook regarding the uniform dress and personal appearance code. Please note the specifics regarding hairstyles, shoes, sweaters, and jewelry!
Thank you for your patience and cooperation during the first four weeks of this unusual year. I have received many emails and phone calls from parents regarding keeping children home from school when ill and returning to school protocol.
As many of you know, COVID-19 symptoms tend to be milder in children than in adults. Some children may not have obvious signs of illness at all. Some may only have a runny nose/mild congestion or stomachache. Please keep your child home from school if they report any symptoms of COVID-19 on the daily checklist. I understand this can be frustrating. Some children suffer from allergies or asthma, and some have sensitive stomachs. However, we must take a community approach and keep our child home and seek a physician's guidance to prevent the spread of illness.
Please follow the link for school calendars: https://gsschoolnyc.org/school-calendars. As we move through the year, it is essential to be attentive that the 3k and UPK calendar may differ from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade calendar. Our communications will be via email, IRIS alerts, and school website postings. We must have current contact information, including an email address.
I am grateful to a faculty and staff whose focus on our students remains steadfast. I'm thankful to you, our parents, who have shown flexibility, patience, and support as we begin our new school year. And I am grateful for the mission of Good Shepherd Parish that carries us forward. We are a strong Good Shepherd SCHOOL community that will remain so as we move forward in Faith, courage, confidence, and trust.
Mrs. Geraldine Lavery
Looking Ahead for October