Today's 8th Grade Student Spotlight features Enaily Rodriguez.
Enaily will be attending Saint Jean Baptiste High School next year and is excited to become a Jeanite! Enaily loves Science, soccer, basketball, gymnastics, and horseback riding. At GSS, Enaily participates in Harry Potter Club, Basketball, and Arts & Crafts Club.
She earned her way onto the honor roll throughout 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. She is also a recipient of the Damian Meehan Scholarship. One of her favorite memories was from her 8th grade year when 8th graders were paired up with students from younger grades--she worked with the PreK students and had the “time of [her] life!” “My time at GSS taught me that our relationship with God is to be cherished and worshiped for he loves us more than anything.”
“I would like to say a thank you to Mrs. Kennedy who is an unsung hero, she has supported every single one of us and loves us all. Her hard work and dedication to GSS never goes unnoticed. She watched every single one of us grow as a person and I am so thankful to have her support me through my journey at Good Shepherd. I would also like to thank Mrs. Lavery for always being there for me and seeing me for who I truly am. I couldn’t have made it without the two of you.”