Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry!
August 2021
Dear Good Shepherd School Community,
Summer seems to have flown by this year. I hope that you have been able to spend quality time with each other as we can all agree, we needed this time to rest, restore and re-energize.
k-8 Wednesday, September 8 First Day of School 7:50 am (full days through Friday)
3k & UPK For First Day of School information, please refer to Ms. Guzman’s Letter
Monday, September 12 ALL GRADES
Early Drop-Off 7:15 am – 7:40 am (AUDITORIUM) Co-Ordinator, Mrs. Noreiga
Monday, September 12 ALL GRADES
Afterschool Care Dismissal until 6:30 pm Director Mrs. Kennedy
Safe entry to the school building is essential. We will meet for prayer on Isham Street, just as we did last year. Staff will take Student temperatures at the barricades.
Masks will be required at all times for students and staff while indoors, except for eating/drinking during lunch periods. While we have been looking forward to seeing smiling faces, the CDC and our governing bodies all agree that masking, regardless of vaccination status, has been highly effective in minimizing the spread of COVID through school buildings.
Desks will be physically distanced in all classrooms and learning spaces. When combined with masking, this is the most effective strategy to prevent the widespread transmission of COVID-19. At this time, we do not anticipate using the Auditorium for classroom space.
GSS is committed to 100% in-person learning. Zoom is no longer an option for students who are sick. If a student is not well enough to attend school, they should stay home and be marked absent. All teachers will have a Googleclassroom page which they will keep current.
I thank you again for your patience, support, trust, and partnership this year. See you soon!
Mrs. Lavery